Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fawn's Butterflies !!! ...for Valentine's Day !!!...

Fawn's Butterflies

In her role as an animal fairy, Fawn is responsible for teaching baby birds to fly, painting spots on ladybugs, and coaxing butterflies to hatch. Here's a fun and simple way for your child to try her hand at a little magical metamorphosis: transforming scraps of colorful paper into a collection of pretty little butterflies to adorn a houseplant or string into a mini mobile.

You'll need:
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Scrapbook paper
  • Pipe cleaners


1. For each butterfly, cut two 2 1/2-inch squares from scrapbook paper. Trim the left and right sides of the squares to round them, as shown.

2. Accordion-fold each of the squares to create two sets of wings.

3. For the butterfly's body, cut a pipe cleaner in half. Fold one of the halves into a V-shape, as shown, and twist the ends together a few times just above the bend to create an abdomen (it should be about an inch long).

4. Sandwich both sets of wings between the pipe cleaner ends above the abdomen, and twist the ends a couple more times to hold them snugly in place.

5. Use your fingers to pull the wings open a bit, and then curl the tips of the pipe cleaner to shape antennae.

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