In Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue, when a butterfly with two distinctly different wing patterns lands on Lizzy's finger, her father is baffled. But Lizzy simply states that the fairies must have painted it that way. Here's a project that lets kids create unique paper butterflies that are just as bold and beautiful -- and perfect for livening up the cover of a journal or notebook.
You'll need:
- Notebook with cardboard or paper cover
- Template for paper butterflies
- Scissors
- Craft or scrapbook paper
- Glue stick
- Bobby pins (one per butterfly)
- Small acrylic gems and/or glitter glue (optional)
1. Print out the template and cut out the pieces.
2. For each butterfly, use the template pieces as patterns for cutting a left set of wings out of one shade or pattern of paper and a right set of wings out of a completely different paper. Then cut out wing bases for each set from contrasting shades of plain paper. |
3. Glue the wing sets onto their respective bases, as shown. |
4. For each butterfly body, glue a strip of paper around the midsection of a bobby pin, as shown. 5. Assemble and glue the butterfly atop the notebook cover. |
6. Now your child can embellish the wings with acrylic gems and/or glitter glue, if she likes.